Monday, 26 September 2011

gratuity marks

I think Mondays are inherently difficult. (Especially this one--this one which was so much about fighting those first-day nerves).

So I'm making a little vow to keep things positive. To dedicate Monday's posts to hopes for the future, say, or gratuity lists.

So, this week I'm thankful for:

breakfast in bed and the boy who brings me it (I don't think he knows just how loving or sexy a gesture this is*)

a £10 tea-bill (it's an afternoon well spent)

animal pattern (because I have my eye on a cat cardigan--and a sister whose niche it is to draw)

movie-dates (mostly with my love)

the feeling of fall creeping in (and it's colour--it's beautiful, beautiful colour)

children's books (because I get to read them all semester)

postcards (because there is just so much to love)

bike-rides (although they hurt and aren't yet mastered, I am proud I can)

and: the blogosphere (because I hate the 'word', but I love the kindness).

Is there anything you'd like to share to beat those Monday blues?

*He makes me the happiest.


  1. How to beat the Monday blue? I try to do something I love every Monday. I love sundaes and ice creams so every Monday I make it a habit to call for a sundae delivery from McDonalds or when I'm out for lunch I go and grab an ice cream for myself. =) Happy Monday!

  2. Thank you so so much for your comment, you are seriously the wisest person I know.

    How did your first day back go? How exciting! And I love your gratuity list, breakfast in bed and ten pounds worth of tea sound amazing :)
